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AlarmRack - Measurement unit

Technical Description

AlarmRack is a measurement instrument for temperature and humidity with local display. The unit measure temperature and humidity, the embedded datalogger store all the configured parameters.

In the stand-alone version the device sends automatically alarms vie e-mails to a preconfigured number of email address when alarms trigger temperature over-threshold. The device has some digital I/O controlled by the software. The Unit can be installed in a 19"rack with a 2U installing panel.

AlarmManager is the supervisor software that manage, also remotely, up to 32 AlarmRack, store the system log in a SQL datatbase. The software provides a powerfull user interface that easily aggregate and display both the current data and the historical data. When alarm is triggered AlarmManager send real-time message via e-mail and SMS.

Alarm Management

- Activation thresholds

- Alarm notification E-mail

- Control digital output and digital input, alarm on a input I/O change and output activation on over-threshold temperuature usefull for fans activation

- Digital Input can be used for alarm for opening rack door


- Log of the measured temperature and alarms conditions

- Value measured on the temperature and humidity probe and I/O status

- Alarms


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